Lately I’ve been on the go between work, my assistantship and other “adult” responsibilities I haven’t stopped to pause and feel present in the moment. Like any twenty-something, the past two weeks have been a whirlwind of transitions in my personal and professional life plus a big move back to the Twin Cities from suburban Minnesota. To cope with these life changes I like to utilize a planner, calendar and post-it notes to help me organize and put my life back in order; because even though I want to have my sh*t together...rarely does that happen. (^.^*) Hence, I realized I have also been practicing many acts of self-care to support me during these changes. Self-care helps me feel rejuvenated and I feel ready to take on my day. I decided I’d share some of my daily self-care routines to inspire you in your day-to-day life or in the moments you need a “pick-me-up.”
A Warm Bubble Bath- Bubble bath’s have always been a representation of comfort and warmth which is exactly how I feel when I sink into a bath filled with my favorite bath bomb. It’s luxurious and frankly, the warmth of the water helps to relax my muscles. Especially if I’ve been tense from stress. I usually play my favorite playlist on Spotify and read a book or just simply close my eyes. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to treat your body and mind to a warm bubble bath.
Acts of Kindness- I’ve learned simple acts of kindness can have a tremendous, positive effect on my mood. This includes opening the door for a stranger, giving a genuine compliment or even smiling at the stranger I pass by. I am sure there is some form of psychology involved but these acts of kindness remind me to be in the present moment and to appreciate life. Additionally, they give me satisfaction in knowing I may have improved another person’s day.
Give Yourself a Compliment- Self-love is important and absolutely necessary. It’s important to remind yourself how great you are. Especially when life is overwhelming. After all, you are your own best friend; be kind to her. When I wake up in the mornings or when I’m having a rough day at work, I take a bathroom break, smile at the mirror and say, “You’re amazing and beautiful” or my personal “Go get em’ tiger!” If you don’t feel comfortable talking in front of the mirror or at a place with no mirror, I suggest writing it down in a journal or even text it to yourself. It’s incredible how much a self-affirmation can uplift your mood.
Thank you for reading. I hope you found my daily, self-care tips helpful. What do you do for self-care? Let me know in the comments below, would love to read about them! <3
Style. Sass. Spirit.
Keetha, Lately